Memory and Hope
Pastor Ryan pays tribute to the five friends who lost their lives during the pandemic by reminding us that God always remembers us and God calls us to the ministry of memory.
Towering Trees; Pesky Weeds
In this sermon, Pastor Ryan proclaims trees to be humanity’s greatest enemy. For thousands of years we have tried to mimic trees. However, Jesus, in the parable of the mustard seed, insists that the church is called to be a weed, not a tree.
Punching Holes in the Darkness
As a community of faith, Pastor Ryan reminded us that we are called to punch holes in the darkness of our world. To do this we need both courage and prophetic imagination.
Friendship: The Ministry of Being With
In his candidacy sermon, Ryan explains that friendship must always be the heart of the church, the heart of Jesus’ life and the heart of God. As a church, we are called to the ministry of being with.
Sour Grapes
Message for October 8, 2017 Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Isaiah 5:1-7 and Matthew 21:33-46Sour grapesSour grapes are not good fruit. I have had a bitter taste in my mouth since weheard the news of another mass shooting in Las Vegas last Sunday. Sour, sour grapesindeed.Where did things go wrong? Why does this…
Make my joy complete
Message for Stewardship Sunday, October 1, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Philippians 2:1-13Make my joy completeGiving is a part of our congregational DNA. It is part of our Christian DNA. Onthis Stewardship Sunday, we remind ourselves of this. And we celebrate giving: Byintroducing a new project for our children’s offering, by commissioning and…
Our job description
Message for September 3, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Romans 12:9-21Our job descriptionThis is Labor Day weekend. Monday is a holiday in honor of the work that wedo. We call the work we do our jobs. And for each job there is a job description. WhenBruce and I started thinking about rejoining MCC…
Building Bridges
Message for Peace Sunday, September 24, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Ephesians 2:11-22Building bridgesLast Thursday, September 21, was the International Day of Peace. Our sisters andbrothers in Mennonite World Conference have invited us to celebrate our ownInternational Peace Sunday today, September 24. They chose the theme: Buildingbridges. “In a world divided by difference,”…
From everlasting to everlasting
Message for September 17, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Psalm 103From everlasting to everlastingLast Sunday up at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp Nathan led us in a worshipservice centered around Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help introuble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though…
Still waters
Message for October 15, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passages: Psalm 23 and Philippians 4:1-9Still watersEvery summer Bruce and I try to make it to the McCrae family cabin on theshores of Hand Lake in northern Minnesota. There is much that draws us back to thiswell-loved place, not the least of which is time…