
  • Still waters

    Message for October 15, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passages: Psalm 23 and Philippians 4:1-9Still watersEvery summer Bruce and I try to make it to the McCrae family cabin on theshores of Hand Lake in northern Minnesota. There is much that draws us back to thiswell-loved place, not the least of which is time…

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  • Power redefined: Part 3

    Message for July 2, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Romans 6:1-14Power redefined: Part 3We U.S. Americans love our independence. We are a free county, free people.No one has dominion over us! In a couple of days we will be celebrating this withpicnics and fireworks. Happy Independence Day! We are free, the story goes,…

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  • Good seed, good soil

    Message for July 16, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passages: Isaiah 55:10-13 and Matthew 13:1-17Good seed, good soilI’m not much of a gardener myself but I love to watch – and benefit from! – otherpeople’s gardens. I love this time of year when homegrown produce becomes available.When those seeds so lovingly planted and tended…

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  • Power redefined, Part 2

    Message for June 25, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passages: Matthew 10:24-39Power redefined: Part 2“Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sakewill find it.” One of our president’s favorite insults is “loser.” “What a loser!” he sayswith contempt. He expresses the sentiments of many, I…

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  • Power redefined: Part 1

    Message for June 18, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passages: Romans 5:1-8Power redefined: Part 1As a society we seem to be obsessed with power. We want it! We gotta have it!We have to protect our interests and make sure we aren’t being taken advantage of. Onthis Father’s Day perhaps it is appropriate to think…

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  • Come, Holy Spirit!

    Message for Pentecost, June 4, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Acts 2:1-18Come, Holy Spirit!Last week we left the gathered disciples in transition. They were huddled in anupper room, praying and waiting. Jesus, their leader, their risen Savior, had just left themin a very dramatic way – he was lifted up to heaven and…

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  • In transition

    Message for May 28, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: John 17:1-11 and Acts 1:1-14In transitionOur biblical passages this morning are all about transition. In John, Jesus hasbeen talking with his disciples about what’s coming, about what he and they must gothrough. This is difficult stuff for them to hear. As we pick up…

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  • Sharing our stories

    Message for May 21, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Acts 17:22-28Sharing our storiesLast Sunday during Sunday School Jeff Bontrager asked us to think about how wecan share the story of our congregation, Glennon Heights Mennonite Church. We dohave a story to share. It’s the story of who we are as a group of…

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  • Mothering God

    Reflections for Mother’s Day, May 14, 2017Betsy Headrick McCraeGlennon Heights Mennonite ChurchMothering GodThe Bible was written a very long time ago. Things were different then. That’sno surprise. But it’s something that we need to take into account as we continue to readand study the Bible and listen for the Spirit’s leading.The Bible was written in…

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  • It’s Complicated

    Message for Sunday, May 7, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: 1 Peter 2:1-5, 9-25It’s complicatedContrary to what you see on your bulletin covers this morning – “With gladnessand simplicity” – I’m here to tell you that sometimes reading the Bible – like all of life –is not simple. In fact, it’s complicated. That’s…

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