Easter as Prayer: Come Sunday
Pastor Ryan Koch – John 20:1-18
Palm Sunday: The Upside-Down Kingdom
Claire Franz – Luke 19:28-44
Does it Swing?
Pastor Ryan Koch John 16:12-15
Jazz: Embracing Holy Hybridity
Pastor Ryan Koch Mark 4:35-41
Church as Jazz Ensemble
Pastor Ryan Koch 1 Corinthians 12:1-12
Jesus: The Jazz Musician
Pastor Ryan Koch Mark 12: 1-12
Jazz: The Music of Lent
Pastor Ryan Koch Scripture: Psalm 150
Moments of Transfiguration
Pastor Ryan Koch – Mark 9: 2-9
Are You Tired?
Pastor: Ryan Koch Passage:
Acknowledge or Avoid
Do we allow ourselves to see the world as God sees? To look at the world truthfully and honestly.