
In transition

Message for May 28, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: John 17:1-11 and Acts 1:1-14In transitionOur biblical passages this morning are all about transition. In John, Jesus hasbeen talking with his disciples about what’s coming, about what he and they must gothrough. This is difficult stuff for them to hear. As we pick up

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Mothering God

Reflections for Mother’s Day, May 14, 2017Betsy Headrick McCraeGlennon Heights Mennonite ChurchMothering GodThe Bible was written a very long time ago. Things were different then. That’sno surprise. But it’s something that we need to take into account as we continue to readand study the Bible and listen for the Spirit’s leading.The Bible was written in

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It’s Complicated

Message for Sunday, May 7, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: 1 Peter 2:1-5, 9-25It’s complicatedContrary to what you see on your bulletin covers this morning – “With gladnessand simplicity” – I’m here to tell you that sometimes reading the Bible – like all of life –is not simple. In fact, it’s complicated. That’s

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We Wait

Message for the fifth Sunday of Lent, April 2, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: John 11:1-44We waitIt’s hard to wait. Even at the best of times. But it’s especially hard to wait whenthings are difficult, when you’re feeling awful, when you don’t know where to turn, whenyou just want things to be made

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We hunger

Message for the first Sunday of Lent, March 5, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passages: Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7 and Matthew 4:1-11We hungerThere was trouble even in paradise. The tree of the knowledge of good and evilgrew there along with all the other trees. It was part of the package. God knew this.God knew that

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