God so loved the world
Message for the First Sunday of Lent, February 18, 2018Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Genesis 9: 8-17God so loved the worldGod created the world – night and day, the sea and the dry land, the sky, theplants and animals and, finally, human beings, male and female God created us. God waspleased with this…
The struggle of faith
God’s chameleons
Message for Sunday, February 4, 2018Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: 1 Corinthians 9:16-23God’s chameleonsSammy is into reading books these days. One of his books is about a chameleon.The chameleon is green to start but he keeps changing color. When he’s up againstsomething orange, he turns orange. When he’s up against something yellow, he…
Transforming Spirit
Message for World Fellowship Sunday, January 28, 2018Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passages: Joel 2:28-29, Acts 1:8 and 1 Corinthians 12:13Transforming SpiritToday we celebrate World Fellowship Sunday along with our Anabaptist andMennonite brothers and sisters in faith around the world. World Fellowship Sunday isalways celebrated on a Sunday close to January 21. On that…
One body and one Spirit
Baptism reflection, January 14, 2018Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passages: Mark 1:9-11 and Ephesians 4:1-6One body and one SpiritBeing a Christian is never a solitary endeavor. We’re in this together. In thewords of the Apostle Paul: “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called tothe one hope of your calling,…
Light in the darkness
Message for January 7, 2018Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passage: Matthew 2:1-18Light in the darknessThe story of the wise men coming to worship Jesus, the newborn king, carriesmore oomph than we usually give it credit for. We like the trappings – the star, thecamels, the tall regal men in turbans and rich clothing, the…
Bring it on!
Message for the third Sunday of Advent, December 17, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeScripture passages: Luke 1:39-55 and 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24Bring it on!Our grandson, Adrian, who is four years old, knows exactly how many days it isuntil Christmas. He’s filled with eager anticipation. Bring it on! It’s wonderful to onceagain have little children in…
Getting ready
In this passage, Jesus uses 4 different words related to seeing or looking. blepete idhte agrupneite grhgorh Don’t worry, there’s not going to be a quiz on the Greek stuff. blepete comes from blepw, the general purpose NT word for see But it also carries a connotation of the ability to see, not blind. Like…
Praying for an earthquake
Today as your preacherIt is my job to invite you into the spirit of Advent.The time we take each year to talk about waiting[pause]We reflect on our anticipation, our anxiety,Four weeks of worship, even a special theme song!All leading up to our celebration of one of the world’s greatest events,The the birth of Christ Jesus.Aw…
Thanksgiving reflections
Reflections for Thanksgiving worship service, November 26, 2017Glennon Heights Mennonite ChurchBetsy Headrick McCraeFor this we are gratefulI imagine that as many of you gathered around the table for your Thanksgivingfeast this past Thursday, somebody asked, “What are you thankful for?” I hope thatprimed the pump because I’m going to be asking us that same question…