Plan Your Visit
Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
and Christian Education at 11:05 a.m.
11480 W Virginia Ave
Lakewood, CO 80226
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I park?
We have two parking lots. The main parking lot is to the east of the church building. Here you can enter through our Fellowship Hall and be welcomed by a greeter. For those with accessibility issues, it is advisable to park in the West Lot where you can access the Sanctuary directly.
How Long do Services Last?
Worship service begins at 9:30 and lasts between sixty and seventy minutes, depending on sharing time. Following service, everyone is welcome to partake in refreshments before Sunday school begins at 11:05 am.
What Accessibility Options are There?
Glennon Heights has prioritized making its building more accessible in recent years. We installed an elevator so that anyone can easily access both the Fellowship Hall and the Sanctuary. We also updated our bathrooms to make them more handicap accessible. We do advise those with accessibility issues to park in the West lot and enter the church through the main Sanctuary doors.
How do People Dress?
Most people dress casually, much like you would expect at most other churches. As you can see from the pictures, some people wear dress shirts. Other people wear jeans and tee-shirts. We are a pretty informal group!
What Adult Education Classes do You Offer?
Each year we offer a variety of adult education classes. Some classes center on how to read the Scriptures; some classes focus on justice issues like immigration, the prison pipeline and the doctrine of discovery. A few times a year, people are invited to share their personal stories so that the congregation has a chance to get to know them better. Other times, we have family forums which focus on pressing issues that our church is wrestling with.
What Branch of Mennonite Are You?
We belong to Mennonite Church USA, the largest Mennonite denomination in the United States. Mennonite Church USA includes people who come from many faith traditions, ethnicities, nationalities and backgrounds. We also belong to Mountain States Mennonite Conference, which consists of around twenty Mennonite churches in Colorado and New Mexico.
What to Expect When You Visit
We believe that everyone is welcome and that Glennon Heights is for everyone. Here you will encounter a community of diverse ages. For we are a community of families, children, seniors, young adults, and all in between, striving to take seriously the teachings and life of Jesus and to live into his kingdom of justice and peace. We are always glad to meet new friends; whoever you are, you are welcome in Sunday morning worship.
Adult education lasts each week for 45 minutes following worship, fellowship and snacks. Generally adult education is conversational; it is a chance for us to explore a topic together and to learn about each other’s passions, interests, questions, doubts and dreams. In a given year, a dozen people will lead some class about an issue or topic which is central to them.
We'd love to meet you next Sunday!
Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.